latest 20 messages by blaenk

+ [2015-02-14T03:52:13Z] blaenk nevermind seems like it's possible, I think
+ [2015-02-14T03:51:26Z] blaenk anyone know if it's possible to have user pages ( _and_ a site for a project? (i think called project pages, gh-pages branch) on the same domain
+ [2014-10-29T21:48:25Z] blaenk I have a feeling github uses this to highlight code now
+ [2014-10-29T21:04:25Z] blaenk or an entirely new thing that tries to mimick pygment's output
+ [2014-10-29T21:04:10Z] blaenk I can only imagine it's some fork of pygments, or custom lexers they added to pygments
+ [2014-10-29T21:03:21Z] blaenk so I'm wondering what github is doing different now
+ [2014-10-29T21:03:10Z] blaenk and on github it's tokenized with the .nf class
+ [2014-10-29T21:02:53Z] blaenk if you inspect the element of the 'get' method, in gist it's tokenized with the .n CSS class
+ [2014-10-29T21:02:40Z] blaenk yeah see, gist still highlights the same way that my local pygments highlights. notice line 37, the get method isn't highlighted. now look at this, line 37 the get method is highlighted
+ [2014-10-29T21:01:37Z] blaenk ok I found osmething
+ [2014-10-29T20:59:53Z] blaenk nah I don't think so, but I'll check that too
+ [2014-10-29T20:59:39Z] blaenk it could be that the version github uses always tokenized function names that way (.nf), and there just wasn't a CSS highlight rule for it before
+ [2014-10-29T20:59:08Z] blaenk right, but it's ultimately pygments that highlights I think
+ [2014-10-29T20:58:54Z] blaenk so I'm not sure where the discrepancy is
+ [2014-10-29T20:58:40Z] blaenk but with pygments that I've used, and HEAD which I just tested now, still doesn't
+ [2014-10-29T20:58:25Z] blaenk rust code now highlights the function names
+ [2014-10-29T20:58:18Z] blaenk which is what surprised me
+ [2014-10-29T20:58:16Z] blaenk no no it's rendering fine, better in fact
+ [2014-10-29T20:55:39Z] blaenk and I'm using HEAD (or hg equivalent) of pygments
+ [2014-10-29T20:55:18Z] blaenk github uses pygments to highlight code right? does anyone know if they're using a fork or something? their highlighting is different from pygments itself, I just noticed today (this must be recent)