latest 20 messages by bleb

+ [2020-07-09T22:25:12Z] bleb it's possible with an account right?
+ [2020-07-09T22:25:02Z] bleb i have heard that github can accept patches via email but i can't seem to find info about it
+ [2020-07-07T18:46:07Z] bleb well at any rate i was able to break their security
+ [2020-07-07T18:43:04Z] bleb why is that
+ [2020-07-07T18:42:58Z] bleb oh for real?
+ [2020-07-07T18:40:31Z] bleb no
+ [2020-07-07T18:38:51Z] bleb is there any way to tell who has commit access?
+ [2020-07-07T18:38:43Z] bleb this is the repo i'm interested in fwiw
+ [2020-07-07T18:32:52Z] bleb the settings of the repo?
+ [2020-07-07T18:30:43Z] bleb hey, is it possible to find out who has commit access to a given repo?
+ [2020-07-02T15:04:25Z] bleb canton7: thanks
+ [2020-07-02T02:58:00Z] bleb is it possible to get a list of commits for a project, from the web ui?
+ [2020-06-30T04:29:08Z] bleb can you make a github pages site with raw html in the repo, no jekyll?
+ [2019-06-14T23:16:52Z] bleb is there some non-obvious place i should look?
+ [2019-06-14T23:16:40Z] bleb a co-worker shared one of his private repos with me, but i can't find it
+ [2019-05-31T05:56:55Z] bleb is there a simple way to do this, or should i just manually clone my forked repo and copy the changes over?
+ [2019-05-31T05:56:19Z] bleb i'd like the changes in this cloned original repo to be committed on a branch in my fork
+ [2019-05-31T05:55:33Z] bleb then i realized i already forked the same repo on github and already have a personal branch for a different feature
+ [2019-05-31T05:54:51Z] bleb i cloned a repo and started modifying files
+ [2019-05-31T05:54:36Z] bleb hey everybody