latest 20 messages by blindrage1

+ [2013-06-16T23:51:43Z] blindrage1 in case any wonders.
+ [2013-06-16T23:51:38Z] blindrage1 i didn't have comments: true in my post files
+ [2013-06-16T16:44:10Z] blindrage1 i'm having no luck. the # of comments show, but the thread does not on a post
+ [2013-06-16T16:43:55Z] blindrage1 has anyone had issues getting the #disqus-thread to show on a page?
+ [2013-06-16T06:09:45Z] blindrage1 think i'm gonna sleep on it though. already deployed to my vps, not worried about comments showing just yet, i'll investigate some tomorrow
+ [2013-06-16T06:07:54Z] blindrage1 exported comments to disqus, and it's half working. when that's finished, I'm done
+ [2013-06-16T06:07:35Z] blindrage1 same here. it's been straight forward. exported wordpress blogs, cleaned them up and tidied up the embeds to gists (managed a successful plugin/gist.rb pull request fix), cleaned up some stuff on the navigation, etc
+ [2013-06-16T05:12:47Z] blindrage1 but there's no disqus_thread at the bottom
+ [2013-06-16T05:12:37Z] blindrage1 a post shows the disqus thing at the top " 2 Comments and 0 Reactions "
+ [2013-06-16T05:12:10Z] blindrage1 just pushed to my server, everythings gone fine from wordpress->octopress
+ [2013-06-16T05:11:53Z] blindrage1 alright last problem i far everythings gone great (a few tweaks here and there)
+ [2013-06-15T21:01:04Z] blindrage1 i'd rather manage them in github anyway, so it's no biggie
+ [2013-06-15T21:00:36Z] blindrage1 not sure, i changed it to a gist and fixed it =\
+ [2013-06-15T19:41:27Z] blindrage1 everything looks great on chrome/ff, but IE sees x lines (line numbers), but all my code is in one huge line, like it didn't parse newlines
+ [2013-06-15T19:40:56Z] blindrage1 other issue...has anyone had issues with internet explorer and {% codeblock %} ?
+ [2013-06-15T19:20:23Z] blindrage1 it's a commit hash
+ [2013-06-15T19:19:17Z] blindrage1 the latest ones are hashes
+ [2013-06-15T19:18:38Z] blindrage1 it had a regex for \d+