latest 4 messages by bn_work

+ [2020-05-19T23:47:42Z] bn_work oprypin: yes, thanks! just realized that after clicking around
+ [2020-05-19T23:14:53Z] bn_work is there a way to workaround the 250-confirm limit when comparing across tags / branches? ex: trying to confirm if is in it but am getting the message that the comparison is limited to the most recent 250 commits. Is there no way besides pulling the source locally and using git directly?
+ [2019-05-06T17:20:22Z] bn_work nedbat: thanks, yeah, didn't want to "pollute" the commit history so figured I'd ask first :)
+ [2019-05-06T17:18:52Z] bn_work will github automatically render/preview any file named `` in *any* dir? or only the root of a repo?