latest 20 messages by bobbiejim

+ [2015-08-10T15:47:12Z] bobbiejim alright ill check em ou
+ [2015-08-10T15:27:18Z] bobbiejim is there a simple way to carry your theme over to a different one?
+ [2015-08-10T15:27:04Z] bobbiejim has anyone installed the emerald theme for jekyll? ive got a problem where the layout for my posts isnt loading, not sure where the exact problem might lie (whether in my HTML files or elsewhere)
+ [2015-08-05T19:14:58Z] bobbiejim which is annoyingl ol
+ [2015-08-05T19:14:54Z] bobbiejim apparently the error reports the incorrect line according to a different repo issue
+ [2015-08-05T19:14:14Z] bobbiejim hmm. try this one?
+ [2015-08-05T19:11:25Z] bobbiejim line 2 is just the email: line that i havent changed since the beginning
+ [2015-08-05T19:10:50Z] bobbiejim
+ [2015-08-05T19:05:25Z] bobbiejim any idea why this might be?
+ [2015-08-05T19:05:14Z] bobbiejim ive got a question about jekyll too though, for some reason my site isnt building, it says the error is in my config file on a line that i havent ever touched
+ [2015-08-05T19:03:38Z] bobbiejim because ive had sources tell me both
+ [2015-08-05T19:03:33Z] bobbiejim does my website get created based on whats in my gh-pages branch or my master branch (if im having it hosted through github)
+ [2015-08-05T14:48:14Z] bobbiejim looks better in the footer id say :P
+ [2015-08-05T14:48:07Z] bobbiejim got it, thank you
+ [2015-08-05T14:45:52Z] bobbiejim if so, im still not seeing a new link anywhere. but lemme see if i create a new header and make it link to that
+ [2015-08-05T14:45:29Z] bobbiejim and this goes in my config?