latest 20 messages by bolster

+ [2014-01-24T16:40:24Z] bolster and can use whatever layouts you like.
+ [2014-01-24T16:40:15Z] bolster which then links to whatever pages you want.
+ [2014-01-24T16:39:59Z] bolster basically you can write whatever index page you like.
+ [2014-01-24T16:39:48Z] bolster hawkeye78__: no, not necessary. Have a look at mine
+ [2014-01-24T16:36:51Z] bolster hawkeye78__:!topic/jekyll-rb/9SHqsOyCROg
+ [2014-01-23T15:35:11Z] bolster kaffeebohne: hello again. Have a look at how Jekyll Bootstrap handles theming
+ [2014-01-20T13:51:26Z] bolster Hope you don't mind but I wrote up a quick 'this might help' post, although the Gist styling is still buggered
+ [2014-01-20T13:37:18Z] bolster oh, cool, never used it.
+ [2014-01-20T13:36:07Z] bolster Not really. What editor are you using?
+ [2014-01-20T13:33:51Z] bolster fixed by running the file through this "awk '{if(NR==1)sub(/^\xef\xbb\xbf/,"");print}' INFILE > OUTFILE"
+ [2014-01-20T13:33:34Z] bolster invisible to pretty much every editor on the planet.
+ [2014-01-20T13:33:25Z] bolster Unicode Byte order mark at the beginning of the file
+ [2014-01-20T13:33:16Z] bolster ah ha! got it I think.
+ [2014-01-20T13:26:45Z] bolster feels like be a unicode 'weirdness'
+ [2014-01-20T13:22:32Z] bolster ok, so I took the file and put it in my own blog. Still screwed.... but at least it's localised the issue to the file...
+ [2014-01-20T13:05:49Z] bolster ok, that's very very weird...
+ [2014-01-20T12:49:52Z] bolster that'd be great.
+ [2014-01-20T12:49:25Z] bolster ok, you don't have this on a public github or something that I can poke around
+ [2014-01-20T12:45:46Z] bolster as in \#
+ [2014-01-20T12:45:38Z] bolster Try escaping the hash in the title