latest 6 messages by brbcoding

+ [2013-06-24T19:26:27Z] brbcoding Just had to re-run cygwin setup with make selected
+ [2013-06-24T19:26:15Z] brbcoding And that was the issue if anyone else runs into the problem...
+ [2013-06-24T18:57:05Z] brbcoding Win 8 Pro/Cygwin
+ [2013-06-24T18:56:52Z] brbcoding Possibly because gcc wasn't installed with Cygwin? Or does that make no sense?
+ [2013-06-24T18:56:21Z] brbcoding
+ [2013-06-24T18:56:17Z] brbcoding Hello... I'm trying to install octopress and got an issue at the redcloth installation...