latest 20 messages by breadcrumbs

+ [2016-07-11T13:25:47Z] breadcrumbs Impaloo: i mean, if someone makes pull request to my repo, i can't do any changes to it without merging it?
+ [2016-07-11T11:53:53Z] breadcrumbs if i checked out that PR locally and made changes
+ [2016-07-11T11:53:42Z] breadcrumbs can i push changes to some pull request(not mine) to repository if i have push access to master repository?
+ [2016-06-19T10:08:19Z] breadcrumbs is there a chance to remove avatar and set default identicon there?
+ [2016-05-05T18:04:18Z] breadcrumbs i don't have flashplugin... This works tho
+ [2016-05-05T16:50:04Z] breadcrumbs doesn't pollute feed
+ [2016-05-05T16:49:56Z] breadcrumbs thought star is just for that...
+ [2016-05-05T16:43:09Z] breadcrumbs there are people who fork 10 repo's per day?
+ [2016-05-05T16:40:45Z] breadcrumbs i just think... This is not the button u hit every day like a routine, this could be treated like a more responsible action which requires at least 1 step "Yes i wanna do it" verification.
+ [2016-05-05T16:30:13Z] breadcrumbs i hate that "fork" button. I tried to watch who forked repo and accidentally pressed "fork". That stuff immediately created my fork repository without any sort of my approval. And that remains in my puplic activity history. Don't you guys think this sort of functionality should ask once more before doing those actions? :)
+ [2016-04-29T11:08:26Z] breadcrumbs this collaboration stuff is tough :D So many nuances.
+ [2016-04-29T11:07:25Z] breadcrumbs thanks again for help
+ [2016-04-29T11:07:13Z] breadcrumbs tobiasvl: okay now i understand everything ! And that really depends from this POV
+ [2016-04-29T11:06:22Z] breadcrumbs okay, thanks buddy, now i understand i did some wrong stuff before. Nobody said me tho, they didn't care about force pushes in pull requests
+ [2016-04-29T11:03:39Z] breadcrumbs what about pull requests which are made from dev-branch, forces are cool for em? It's not screwing history for nobody except the branch maintainer himself
+ [2016-04-29T11:02:31Z] breadcrumbs okay so main idea is not to push to remote until you are 100% sure this thing doesn't require restoration ?
+ [2016-04-29T11:00:44Z] breadcrumbs alters with some command or just with another diff?
+ [2016-04-29T11:00:17Z] breadcrumbs then my only option is add another commit with fixes?
+ [2016-04-29T11:00:05Z] breadcrumbs if i already pushed i am ... screwed right?