latest 20 messages by brontosaurusrex

+ [2017-05-19T15:10:15Z] brontosaurusrex Where exactly are the pagination links defined?
+ [2017-02-21T10:49:30Z] brontosaurusrex So it seems its not only blog-aware, its also folder-aware?
+ [2017-02-21T10:42:59Z] brontosaurusrex So it seems that --version response is determined based on directory ...
+ [2017-02-21T10:42:26Z] brontosaurusrex Updated jekyll and whatever gems there were under list and getting this, any clues?
+ [2016-12-27T16:01:31Z] brontosaurusrex Can I have pagination that will start with 1 for oldest _posts and whatever number for the newest? (Obviously google is wrong all the time by default)
+ [2016-07-05T17:30:17Z] brontosaurusrex how do i control whihc page will show up which in loope sidebar navigation?
+ [2016-03-02T11:25:22Z] brontosaurusrex this: [summary here]({% post_url 2016-03-02-pxw-fs7-cine-ei-thing %}) ?
+ [2016-03-02T11:21:49Z] brontosaurusrex ok, so I have to figure out what is the filename right?
+ [2016-03-02T11:10:22Z] brontosaurusrex how would i link to another post properly? this is probably not the way to go: [summary here]({{ site.url }}/2016/03/02/pxw-fs7-cine-ei-thing)
+ [2016-02-20T09:48:27Z] brontosaurusrex any more nooby instructions for this ? I get lost at #6
+ [2015-06-08T13:27:12Z] brontosaurusrex would -ipath "*" stand for whitelist all dirs?
+ [2015-06-08T13:25:53Z] brontosaurusrex mad-:
+ [2015-06-08T13:22:06Z] brontosaurusrex and I probably dont need such a huge blacklist anyway ...
+ [2015-06-08T13:16:35Z] brontosaurusrex I'am getting "find: --o: unknown primary or operator" (osx)