latest 15 messages by brookman32k

+ [2014-02-19T12:33:59Z] brookman32k kaffeebohne: i got it to run. however the executable is at /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/jekyll-1.4.3/bin/jekyll which was not inside a path variable
+ [2014-02-19T10:41:27Z] brookman32k jaybe: i'm still struggling. now i have removed all ruby again. would you suggest to install just the "ruby" package?
+ [2014-02-19T09:44:53Z] brookman32k ok, i'll try that. thanks
+ [2014-02-19T09:44:15Z] brookman32k but when i list my packages, "ruby" has version 1.9.3
+ [2014-02-19T09:42:59Z] brookman32k hm, ruby1.91 is also installed
+ [2014-02-19T09:39:48Z] brookman32k now i'm getting /usr/local/bin/jekyll: /usr/bin/ruby1.8: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
+ [2014-02-19T09:39:35Z] brookman32k i have now uninstalled ruby1.8 and ruby1.8-dev, uninstalled jekyll and installed it again
+ [2014-02-19T09:38:54Z] brookman32k jaybe: yes, ruby -v gives 1.9.3
+ [2014-02-19T09:33:43Z] brookman32k i have installed ruby1.9.3-dev via apt-get
+ [2014-02-19T09:32:03Z] brookman32k how can i change that?
+ [2014-02-19T09:31:28Z] brookman32k ruby -v gives me this: ruby 1.9.3p194 (2012-04-20 revision 35410) [x86_64-linux]
+ [2014-02-19T09:27:23Z] brookman32k this is the whole error message:
+ [2014-02-19T09:25:40Z] brookman32k "gem list" shows that json is installed
+ [2014-02-19T09:25:24Z] brookman32k hi. i'm trying to install jekyll on debian (wheezy). i have installed python-dev, gem, jekyll (gem) and json (gem). however i'm still getting this error message when trying to run it: /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:36:in `gem_original_require': no such file to load -- json (LoadError)