latest 3 messages by bttf

+ [2015-08-28T21:48:23Z] bttf I've figured out how to upload assets to releases via github API; trying to figure out a way to do it to tags ... it's not mentioned in the docs, but via GitHub UI it ispossible to upload binaries with a tagged commit
+ [2015-08-28T19:10:06Z] bttf turned out to be the project was not doing "full" releases but tags, so did a call to tags endpoint and found what I needed
+ [2015-08-28T18:14:18Z] bttf I just created a new personal access token for the API but for some reason am receiving an empty array when I request releases for a repo that I know has a whole bunch ... I enabled all the read:repo related access rights to the token ... could I be missing something?