latest 10 messages by c0mrad3

+ [2015-10-27T14:57:56Z] c0mrad3 I am looking for a bot which creates a new issue when in github when a new post is triggered :) any hint ?
+ [2015-09-03T16:15:42Z] c0mrad3 can some one suggest me a theme like this one
+ [2015-06-05T20:20:53Z] c0mrad3 or something like that but not people who ask about git basics / who talk about github works :)
+ [2015-06-05T20:19:44Z] c0mrad3 do we have a channel for github developers ?? like #github-dev / #github-devl
+ [2015-05-29T21:11:38Z] c0mrad3 logs of this channel plz
+ [2015-04-18T10:08:26Z] c0mrad3 I have some issues with gh-pages can any one help me with it
+ [2015-04-07T12:14:59Z] c0mrad3 Seveas: any frame work like that ??
+ [2015-04-07T12:06:21Z] c0mrad3 using python ??
+ [2015-04-07T11:51:55Z] c0mrad3 can I design my home page in it using a frame work ??
+ [2015-04-07T11:40:34Z] c0mrad3 what kind of frame works can I use for gh pages