latest 20 messages by callumacrae

+ [2015-05-06T11:28:29Z] callumacrae Is github down? I keep getting "no server is available" errors
+ [2015-03-16T11:20:19Z] callumacrae im working on a project that shows an organisation ordered by length of commit streak so developers have another way to make themselves feel superior to each other
+ [2015-03-16T11:17:14Z] callumacrae will it show up on the date I made the commit, or when it's merged?
+ [2015-03-16T11:16:52Z] callumacrae so I guess it'll show up on my commit streak when it's merged?
+ [2015-03-16T11:16:43Z] callumacrae Does it have to be on master?
+ [2015-03-16T11:15:49Z] callumacrae but here is a commit i made yesterday
+ [2015-03-16T11:15:39Z] callumacrae commit streak says I didn't commit yesterday
+ [2015-03-16T11:15:32Z] callumacrae Can someone check I'm not going crazy before I email github support
+ [2015-01-28T17:41:33Z] callumacrae Secret ideas are generally bad ideas, especially in the world of OSS
+ [2015-01-28T17:32:06Z] callumacrae why are you being so secretive :p
+ [2015-01-28T17:31:57Z] callumacrae is this an idea you want to sell to github?
+ [2015-01-28T17:30:14Z] callumacrae Azitrex: What is your idea?