latest 20 messages by cam

+ [2015-04-23T22:01:14Z] cam Fortunately the lofty humor is only for those who attempt to understand it.
+ [2015-04-23T22:00:56Z] cam Nevik, I thought so too :p
+ [2015-04-23T21:37:51Z] cam That is normally the reason people google themselves.
+ [2015-04-23T21:37:42Z] cam I don't know, maybe you want to find out more about yourself.
+ [2015-04-23T21:37:06Z] cam First result on google.
+ [2015-04-23T21:36:57Z] cam tortib,
+ [2015-04-23T21:32:44Z] cam Nevik, oh don't worry I did :p
+ [2015-04-23T21:32:00Z] cam But for some reason our employer claims she cannot.
+ [2015-04-23T21:31:53Z] cam Nevik, I am able to do it, and all members of my team are.
+ [2015-04-23T21:31:20Z] cam Thanks.
+ [2015-04-23T21:30:20Z] cam Sorry that I forgot to include that.
+ [2015-04-23T21:30:13Z] cam Nevik, this is a private repo.
+ [2015-04-23T21:16:36Z] cam Can all contributors to a repo add issues?
+ [2015-04-13T20:16:29Z] cam Which seems like a pretty stupid way to track contributions -.-
+ [2015-04-13T20:16:19Z] cam I think the problem was that I had a different email on my profile than the one sending commits.
+ [2015-04-13T20:15:55Z] cam Yes.
+ [2015-04-13T20:11:40Z] cam On my acccount all of my contributions aren't there, on my friend's account with the same organization and projects, they show up on his main dashboard.
+ [2015-04-13T20:11:15Z] cam Why is it that I cannot see repositories taht I have contributed to if they are in another organization?
+ [2015-03-02T21:49:55Z] cam Seveas, figured it out. Thank you for your help and direction.
+ [2015-03-02T21:45:30Z] cam Seveas, no man entry