latest 20 messages by captainkraft

+ [2015-05-31T01:11:10Z] captainkraft Instead of I want
+ [2015-05-31T01:10:51Z] captainkraft Before you go, any idea how to remove the date from the url?
+ [2015-05-31T00:59:41Z] captainkraft In the file, the closing > is much farther down. I'm not sure what else you mean?
+ [2015-05-31T00:58:43Z] captainkraft You're thinking it's that tag at the end without a closing >
+ [2015-05-31T00:58:16Z] captainkraft Or at least I thought :-P
+ [2015-05-31T00:58:07Z] captainkraft They are displayed on every page and don't cause issues
+ [2015-05-31T00:57:59Z] captainkraft FernandoBasso, that's probably from one of my vector images
+ [2015-05-30T23:13:52Z] captainkraft The code snippet is all messed up. I can't tell what's wrong in the css. I hate web frontend :-P
+ [2015-05-30T23:13:31Z] captainkraft
+ [2015-05-30T23:08:25Z] captainkraft It's included with the site that jekyll generates
+ [2015-05-30T23:08:17Z] captainkraft This should be working by default
+ [2015-05-30T23:05:45Z] captainkraft The code snippet works in the site that jekyll generates, but not on mine
+ [2015-05-30T23:04:27Z] captainkraft FernandoBasso, any idea why code snippets are losing their CSS?
+ [2015-05-30T22:51:43Z] captainkraft It only has global, site, page, and paginator
+ [2015-05-30T22:51:16Z] captainkraft post variables aren't in there
+ [2015-05-30T22:49:45Z] captainkraft I only know of excerpt, title, and a couple others
+ [2015-05-30T22:49:24Z] captainkraft FernandoBasso, is there somewhere that lists all the properties of a post?
+ [2015-05-30T22:34:07Z] captainkraft I might have to just put them on the homepage for now