latest 20 messages by captn3m0

+ [2017-05-16T06:03:17Z] captn3m0 batteur: you can pass the array as a string to the include tag variable and then split it back to the array again
+ [2017-05-15T13:33:01Z] captn3m0 tl;dr: unless is your friend
+ [2017-05-15T13:32:21Z] captn3m0 yurb: take a look at for alternatives
+ [2017-05-15T13:32:12Z] captn3m0 yurb: no logical not operator.
+ [2017-05-07T20:14:56Z] captn3m0 that would be the easiest, zero-config setup
+ [2017-05-07T20:14:20Z] captn3m0 I'd suggest using
+ [2017-05-07T20:06:59Z] captn3m0 cg_: what issue are you facing?
+ [2017-05-07T19:58:30Z] captn3m0 yuhl_home_: if you publish the event list as JSON ({{events|jsonify}}), maybe you can use a javascript plugin to display it neatly
+ [2017-05-07T19:12:15Z] captn3m0 you can try porting to liquid
+ [2017-05-07T19:11:51Z] captn3m0 see the atom.xml file for eg that jekyll ships with
+ [2017-05-07T19:11:38Z] captn3m0 yuhl_home_: I haven't worked on the ICS format, but what you want is a liquid template that serializes event listings to an ICS file
+ [2017-04-21T18:38:42Z] captn3m0 nickjj: modulo is the operator you want
+ [2017-04-13T12:31:36Z] captn3m0 drupol: try the page.url parameter and see if you can append|prepend the required things (github url portions)
+ [2017-04-13T12:30:34Z] captn3m0 drupol: should be possible.
+ [2017-04-12T07:52:13Z] captn3m0 foozb12: are you using github pages? It only supports limited themes
+ [2017-03-21T20:30:49Z] captn3m0 how are you reading the yaml? via
+ [2017-03-20T16:41:29Z] captn3m0 permalink will need to be changed for each post, baseurl works for everything
+ [2017-03-20T16:40:52Z] captn3m0 jeiryn: baseurl might be what you want
+ [2017-03-20T15:41:44Z] captn3m0 hosted on github-pages so likely Jekyll
+ [2017-03-13T14:50:18Z] captn3m0 most people using it seem to have jekyll build --option --this as the command: