latest 5 messages by cavaliercoder

+ [2015-02-16T08:45:56Z] cavaliercoder I've tried adding `functions:` to the front matter but no data appears
+ [2015-02-16T08:45:30Z] cavaliercoder I've got a new template but not sure how to pull the data from the _data folder into the template.
+ [2015-02-16T08:44:51Z] cavaliercoder I've grouped them by category into data files and want to create a page for each
+ [2015-02-16T08:44:36Z] cavaliercoder My data is basically a list of code functions, their return types, parameters, etc.
+ [2015-02-16T08:43:59Z] cavaliercoder I have a bunch of YAML data files, one per page, and I want to feed the data into a template for parsing but can't seem to make it work. Can anybody assist?