latest 11 messages by cessna151

+ [2017-02-14T02:32:18Z] cessna151 i just googled it, thanks for the tips!
+ [2017-02-14T02:26:38Z] cessna151 allejo, btw what did u mean by bundler?
+ [2017-02-14T02:25:17Z] cessna151 OMG WOW, sry allejo i just discovered the issue. Apparently i have to restart the terminal to get the updated info. It is now showing the updated version.
+ [2017-02-14T02:23:43Z] cessna151 oops, my bad, it does.
+ [2017-02-14T02:23:01Z] cessna151 funny... this says how to check but not how to actually update XD
+ [2017-02-14T02:17:22Z] cessna151 i tried that too, it says nothing to update
+ [2017-02-14T02:15:03Z] cessna151 thx for responding allejo, i tried it without sudo first but it failed immediately.
+ [2017-02-14T02:09:06Z] cessna151 jekyllrb? yawkat?
+ [2017-02-14T02:02:03Z] cessna151 stark, any ideas?
+ [2017-02-14T01:38:22Z] cessna151 current version is 3.0.1
+ [2017-02-14T01:37:46Z] cessna151 Hi, does anybody know how to make jekyll update? i've run "sudo gem update" which updated a bunch of stuff but not jekyll.