latest 5 messages by cg_

+ [2017-05-07T20:19:25Z] cg_ I think I will github pages will be the better choice for what I need. Thanks for the help
+ [2017-05-07T20:17:10Z] cg_ I was almost going to use Github Pages but my colleagues said that 000webhost would be a better option. But honestly Github Pages would probably be a better option.
+ [2017-05-07T20:10:23Z] cg_ Is there anything that I need to do server side to get it set up?
+ [2017-05-07T20:09:32Z] cg_ Its not so much of an issue, but I'm a beginner at web hosting and such and I thought to make a blog that Jekyll would be a good place to start. I'm using 000webhost because it is cheap and my friends have used it before but not with Jekyll.
+ [2017-05-07T20:05:56Z] cg_ Is there anybody who could help me on setting up Jekyll on my web server?