latest 13 messages by chancancode

+ [2014-08-06T14:25:01Z] chancancode client side oauth example for the gh api :D
+ [2014-08-06T14:24:51Z] chancancode what I was working on yesterday:
+ [2014-08-06T02:55:17Z] chancancode looks like your rails model validations are leaking out ;)
+ [2014-08-06T02:55:04Z] chancancode VxJasonxV: No problem. I reported through the support page as well
+ [2014-08-06T00:32:58Z] chancancode but the error message is still wrong
+ [2014-08-06T00:32:50Z] chancancode I sent "notes" instead of "note"
+ [2014-08-05T22:53:26Z] chancancode it complains about the description field being missing, but it's not documented on the API reference
+ [2014-08-05T22:53:07Z] chancancode I'm getting this error from the API when trying to create a token ( POST /authorizations ):