latest 6 messages by checkit

+ [2015-02-19T17:54:35Z] checkit Hey guys... I'm trying to figure out how I can store a jquery object of arrays in a hidden input field in my form. I'm using the hidden field as a storage repository of accumulated values to post upon form submit. The backend will loop through each of the entries for processing. Here's my code: pretty straight forward:
+ [2014-11-18T22:13:52Z] checkit bret: Okay, I'll give that ago.
+ [2014-11-18T22:08:17Z] checkit Installed w/ brew
+ [2014-11-18T22:08:12Z] checkit bret: yessir...
+ [2014-11-18T22:07:35Z] checkit bret: No kidding.
+ [2014-11-18T18:37:37Z] checkit hey guys... I'm trying to install Jekyll but I'm getting a strange error when executing "gem install jekyll"