latest 20 messages by chemic

+ [2015-05-03T21:49:17Z] chemic hah nevermind.. I’m stupid :) made a simple mistake
+ [2015-05-03T21:41:48Z] chemic hey folks! am I right that jekyll liquid doesn’t support “or” in the if statement, like {% if == 'tobi' or == 'bob' %} ?
+ [2015-03-24T12:55:44Z] chemic something like that..
+ [2015-03-24T12:55:20Z] chemic {% assign menu ={{ site.lang }}.menu %}
+ [2015-03-24T12:55:14Z] chemic guys.. i’ve been struggling with the liquid a bit as I want to use variable inside of capture/assign
+ [2015-03-23T09:56:51Z] chemic this gives me compressed css but what about hash to the filename? :)
+ [2015-03-23T09:56:30Z] chemic style: :compressed
+ [2015-03-23T09:56:29Z] chemic sass:
+ [2015-03-23T09:52:19Z] chemic I’m looking for a way to minimize css and js + add a hash while using bourbon for scss as well :9
+ [2015-03-23T09:40:52Z] chemic hey folks.. wanted to ask about jekyll assets.. is that type of plugin already built into latest jekyll?
+ [2015-03-11T13:10:15Z] chemic hey folks.. wanted to ask probably simple question: how can I get baseurl of the language index.. you know, when you have a logo/company name on the top left and when you click on it you land on the frontpage but I want to keep it to link /fr/ instead of / when user is under /fr/something/
+ [2015-02-27T19:05:20Z] chemic jaybe* ;)
+ [2015-02-27T18:54:53Z] chemic thx jayde, that capture makes sense for me now and it works as needed ;)
+ [2015-02-27T18:37:08Z] chemic I already use it for title’s :)
+ [2015-02-27T18:36:59Z] chemic so I can use that filter
+ [2015-02-27T18:36:48Z] chemic that trick I know.. but what about getting a md content from file to an variable first?
+ [2015-02-27T18:19:45Z] chemic or what is the good practice.. separating content files from html for content editors, what are not blog posts?
+ [2015-02-27T18:05:46Z] chemic using | markdownify or something like that?
+ [2015-02-27T18:02:29Z] chemic something like that
+ [2015-02-27T18:02:13Z] chemic </div>