latest 8 messages by chris_99

+ [2020-04-22T18:04:03Z] chris_99 Hi, this might be a silly question, but i created a project and linked to a repo, but when i go on the repo, it doesn't seem to show a project in the projects tab, it just says projects (0)
+ [2017-03-17T21:43:57Z] chris_99 oh that's a random repo, but that seems to be why
+ [2017-03-17T21:43:31Z] chris_99 oh found this -
+ [2017-03-17T21:39:52Z] chris_99 hey, has anyone recently noticed github not rendering markdown always correctly, like for instance, i have headings with say #blah, but instead of being bold, it's just literally displaying the text #blah
+ [2016-08-13T18:07:29Z] chris_99 ah, alas, cheers. It was just in a todo list i have.
+ [2016-08-13T17:57:44Z] chris_99 Hey, does anyone know if theres a way to highlight text yellow in GitHub markdown, i couldn't seem to find a way to do that
+ [2014-10-21T19:15:56Z] chris_99 ok cheers
+ [2014-10-21T19:13:32Z] chris_99 hey, does github support tags on repos (not git ones) just ones to make searching easier