latest 20 messages by chrislkeller

+ [2013-06-14T18:31:11Z] chrislkeller <— tip his cap to you
+ [2013-06-14T18:30:56Z] chrislkeller something as simple as ```var addressCellData = ss.getRange(lastRow, 2).getValue();``` is what was causing the error.
+ [2013-06-14T18:30:36Z] chrislkeller parkr: I can't thank you enough for helping lead me to water on this…
+ [2013-06-14T18:13:25Z] chrislkeller OK… Found a bunch. Since this only recently popped up, I'm guessing I can narrow it down by date modified...
+ [2013-06-14T18:08:03Z] chrislkeller I'd do that from the terminal?
+ [2013-06-14T17:54:41Z] chrislkeller and where… pretty sure only in posts
+ [2013-06-14T17:53:05Z] chrislkeller as far as languages… would really only be js and python
+ [2013-06-14T17:52:32Z] chrislkeller So it has to be a recent post...
+ [2013-06-14T17:52:20Z] chrislkeller Oh… so pygments is the syntax highlighter right? Or part of it. And the error output is saying it can't highlight what I'm telling it to?
+ [2013-06-14T17:50:15Z] chrislkeller => "python2"
+ [2013-06-14T17:50:15Z] chrislkeller 1.9.3-p327 :003?> $?.success? ? "python2" : "python"
+ [2013-06-14T17:50:15Z] chrislkeller 1.9.3-p327 :002 > `which python2`
+ [2013-06-14T17:50:15Z] chrislkeller 1.9.3-p327 :001 > @python_binary ||= begin
+ [2013-06-14T17:48:09Z] chrislkeller Full terminal output is here:
+ [2013-06-14T17:44:48Z] chrislkeller though I think I borked things really good as I thought maybe I'd just start again from scratch...