latest 16 messages by ckruczek

+ [2015-04-27T13:45:10Z] ckruczek haha maybe :D
+ [2015-04-27T13:43:41Z] ckruczek yeah you are right. but i was wondering why it isnt offered like on github repos
+ [2015-04-27T13:19:12Z] ckruczek I was wondering why there is the possibility to clone a git repo per ssh,https etc but a github wiki is only clonable via https? Is there any reason?
+ [2015-03-31T08:09:13Z] ckruczek neochronomo: I dont know the vs integration of git so well. I only use console sorry :(
+ [2015-03-31T08:06:51Z] ckruczek hehe ok :)
+ [2015-03-31T08:04:43Z] ckruczek VxJasonxV: the 'toc' you see on the right sidebar is not generated, its plain markdown manually created
+ [2015-03-31T08:02:47Z] ckruczek maybe rebuild solution so that the git integration of vs tracks the changes
+ [2015-03-31T08:01:58Z] ckruczek neochronomo: fetch the updated branch from remote
+ [2015-03-31T08:00:49Z] ckruczek which TOC function ?VxJasonxV
+ [2015-03-31T07:56:22Z] ckruczek ok fine thanks :)
+ [2015-03-31T07:52:42Z] ckruczek VxJasonxV: but there must be a way for windows developer to develop and test localy without commiting and pushing everytime?
+ [2015-03-31T07:26:48Z] ckruczek hahah why? I love it :D I was just wondering because your installation readme tells something about pacman, and thats the packagemanager from arch
+ [2015-03-31T07:24:52Z] ckruczek Seveas: do you use Arch Linux?
+ [2015-03-31T07:22:59Z] ckruczek Seveas: I will take a look, thanks!
+ [2015-03-31T07:19:54Z] ckruczek Seveas: true I guess. but for linux there is gollum where you can run a local server which handles the markdown
+ [2015-03-31T07:09:26Z] ckruczek hey guys I was wondering if there is a way to test a github wiki locally. the solutions I found only targeted gollum with linux