latest 15 messages by climu

+ [2017-06-10T13:02:07Z] climu any help would really be appreciated
+ [2017-06-10T13:01:56Z] climu best would be for me to restore changes after this commit :
+ [2017-06-10T13:01:46Z] climu
+ [2017-06-10T13:01:39Z] climu here is my public github
+ [2017-06-10T13:01:33Z] climu I just messed up a merge and I am quite confuse on how to restore things before it
+ [2017-06-10T13:01:22Z] climu hi
+ [2017-03-06T18:28:54Z] climu What should I do?
+ [2017-03-06T18:28:50Z] climu Now I would like to work on dev again. But Master is one commit ahead of dev.
+ [2017-03-06T18:28:29Z] climu I pushed from production server to github master
+ [2017-03-06T18:28:13Z] climu Then I had to do some changes in production server directly
+ [2017-03-06T18:27:59Z] climu we made a dev branch -> merged with master -> pull in production server
+ [2017-03-06T18:27:31Z] climu Hi. We are 2 working on a project and are a bit over our head concerning github workflow:
+ [2017-03-04T16:36:09Z] climu thanks
+ [2017-03-04T16:30:08Z] climu ok, so best would be one devellop, and one branch per feature. small commits can be pushed to dev branch directly. right?
+ [2017-03-04T16:05:46Z] climu Hi. I have a question concerning forkflow for a web project. We are 2 working on it. Should we make one develop branch where we both work on it? or one branch each? or one branch per new feature?