latest 8 messages by cluelesscoder

+ [2015-10-25T19:43:13Z] cluelesscoder Nevik: ok, so the commit was probably originally May 4 and then edited on Sept 4
+ [2015-10-25T18:25:31Z] cluelesscoder what's up with the discrepancy there?
+ [2015-10-25T18:25:22Z] cluelesscoder so I'm looking at and I see "Commits on Sept 4" but the commit there says Vitallium committed on May 31
+ [2015-06-30T00:32:03Z] cluelesscoder VxJasonxV: thanks, that was helpful... ended up looking at as well
+ [2015-06-30T00:13:06Z] cluelesscoder VxJasonxV: I can push to a repo which isn't called a "Github fork", though... you see what I mean?
+ [2015-06-30T00:09:50Z] cluelesscoder or maybe vice versa... I have a project and someone has cloned it down and changed it without forking, can I grab their code and merge it into my project?
+ [2015-06-30T00:09:06Z] cluelesscoder hey guys - if I have a project which I cloned down and hacked on, but it is not technically a fork, can I do a pull request to merge it into a project? without just forking and copying my changed project over my fork