latest 20 messages by cmyers

+ [2015-06-24T00:23:21Z] cmyers I gotta run, but hopefully that helps
+ [2015-06-24T00:23:13Z] cmyers that should give you a commit or index or something that has only the non-whitespace changes
+ [2015-06-24T00:22:30Z] cmyers but you are basically saying "show me the diff without whitespace" then piping that into git's "apply this diff" tool
+ [2015-06-24T00:22:12Z] cmyers that might not be perfect
+ [2015-06-24T00:22:09Z] cmyers try: git checkout DEST && git diff -w SRC DEST | git apply
+ [2015-06-24T00:21:36Z] cmyers so this is a nifty trick
+ [2015-06-24T00:21:31Z] cmyers oh
+ [2015-06-24T00:21:10Z] cmyers you can write a script to do it, but that's pretty extreme obv.
+ [2015-06-24T00:21:01Z] cmyers yeah, I don't see any way to add only whitespace or ignoring whitespace to the index or something, which is what you really want to do
+ [2015-06-24T00:19:48Z] cmyers hmm
+ [2015-06-24T00:19:32Z] cmyers looks like <version>[- 1.2.3 -]{+ 1.2.4 +}</version
+ [2015-06-24T00:18:55Z] cmyers see also "git diff --word-diff" which prints out partial-line diffs, which is pretty nifty.
+ [2015-06-24T00:18:10Z] cmyers so `git diff -w` should help you figure out what changed that isn't whitespace
+ [2015-06-24T00:17:30Z] cmyers if it is the later, you should accept the whitespace changes so future merges are "clean"
+ [2015-06-24T00:17:19Z] cmyers if it is the former, you are going to have a sad time when they go and do it again, no matter what you do
+ [2015-06-24T00:17:06Z] cmyers whoever made all these whitespace changes is either a clown - or is cleaning up the codebase to be consistent
+ [2015-06-24T00:16:46Z] cmyers seaders: you can see the changes that are not whitespace by running `git diff -w SRC TARGET`
+ [2015-06-23T19:37:40Z] cmyers VxJasonxV: thanks very much, that is helpful
+ [2015-06-23T19:37:33Z] cmyers but from a "centralized authority" git server perspective...
+ [2015-06-23T19:37:17Z] cmyers sure, nor should it. it doesn't really make sense