latest 20 messages by codenoob

+ [2014-10-07T09:43:53Z] codenoob I parked a gh-pages website on my domain which is on goddady but now anyone else who is trying to access the website see new website but not me. somebody suggested me to lear DNS cache in my computer but that didn't helped. I have also changed TTL from 1 hours to 600s but still I see old site whereas when I try proxy website they show me gh-pages hosted site. anyone can help me fixing this ?
+ [2014-10-07T09:16:24Z] codenoob How to fix this ?
+ [2014-10-07T09:16:20Z] codenoob I parked a gh-pages website on my domain which is on goddady but now anyone else who is trying to access the website see new website but not me. somebody suggested me to lear DNS cache in my computer but that didn't helped. I have also changed TTL from 1 hours to 600s but still I see old site whereas when I try proxy website they show me gh-pages hosted site.
+ [2014-10-07T05:43:24Z] codenoob syntax highlighting is not working in Jekyll. background is shown but syntax is not highlited.
+ [2014-10-07T05:04:50Z] codenoob I just confirmed using proxy, it is wokring fine and indeed its the problem with my DNS cache, thanks again for help, c ya later :)
+ [2014-10-07T04:59:45Z] codenoob Thanks for the help :) I will check it out.
+ [2014-10-07T04:58:14Z] codenoob How do I do that ?
+ [2014-10-07T04:54:40Z] codenoob But why I can't see it then ?
+ [2014-10-07T04:53:09Z] codenoob But when I am trying, I am getting just the wordpress one
+ [2014-10-07T04:52:28Z] codenoob do you see website with red navbar ?
+ [2014-10-07T04:49:35Z] codenoob its which I am trying to park at I am using godaddy.
+ [2014-10-07T04:48:58Z] codenoob I am trying to host Jekyll blog but it is not showing up
+ [2014-10-07T04:48:48Z] codenoob How much time does it takes for github pages to accept DNS change ?
+ [2014-10-06T12:45:22Z] codenoob I am really NOOB :p haha
+ [2014-10-06T12:45:15Z] codenoob My deepest apologies, I actually forgot to add .md extention when I created new file
+ [2014-10-06T12:43:26Z] codenoob No, it has a post that was shipped with default jekyll installation
+ [2014-10-06T12:42:38Z] codenoob and even after running build I don't see any folders or file generated
+ [2014-10-06T12:42:24Z] codenoob previously there was a seperate folder for that category and after I deleted it , its not there
+ [2014-10-06T12:42:02Z] codenoob I just checked file was not generated
+ [2014-10-06T12:41:02Z] codenoob well build didn't helped :(