latest 20 messages by colonolGron

+ [2015-02-03T18:10:27Z] colonolGron i just did a forced git push. but some files doesnt seem to be updated on the github repo. is this a common error? what am i goin to do about it?
+ [2015-01-04T20:39:09Z] colonolGron it cant be that hard, so what is holding back?
+ [2015-01-04T20:39:02Z] colonolGron and i suppose i am not the only one
+ [2015-01-04T20:38:55Z] colonolGron i miss this featuer since years and thought it should get added, but still waiting :)
+ [2015-01-04T20:38:36Z] colonolGron would be very interesting not only to see the recent stuff but all
+ [2015-01-04T20:38:27Z] colonolGron why cant i click on "repositories contributed to" and get a full list?
+ [2015-01-04T20:38:00Z] colonolGron since githubs slogan is about social coding
+ [2014-12-17T10:36:08Z] colonolGron i added <img src="{site.llaelpjjj
+ [2014-12-14T18:29:40Z] colonolGron i try to list category1 1postOfCategory1 2postofCategory1 categor2 1postofCategory2, and so on
+ [2014-12-14T18:28:49Z] colonolGron Liquid Exception: exit in _layouts/default.html
+ [2014-12-14T18:28:46Z] colonolGron i am not sure whats wrong with this, could anybody take a look? jekyll sais: Invalid Date: '' is not a valid datetime.
+ [2014-11-05T13:13:41Z] colonolGron so i can build my own overview since you guys only list 6 repos on the frontpage :P