latest 7 messages by context

+ [2016-07-21T16:34:05Z] context and this has nothing to do with ssh keys
+ [2016-07-21T16:33:53Z] context the password is in the keychain on that laptop
+ [2016-07-21T16:33:37Z] context im sshing into the os x laptop
+ [2016-07-21T16:31:42Z] context i think i found what i need to do also
+ [2016-07-21T16:31:24Z] context irc-5225225: yes
+ [2016-07-21T16:28:40Z] context jhass: cool i can totally do that. that actually still does not answer my question however
+ [2016-07-21T16:25:54Z] context attempting to use credential-osxkeychain, it works when using git locally, but if i ssh into the laptop it always asks for user/pass when trying to interact with remote git repo