latest 20 messages by cool_boy

+ [2014-11-28T16:53:32Z] cool_boy punchagan: thanks
+ [2014-11-28T16:52:03Z] cool_boy how to remove a git directory ? remove write-protected regular file ‘.git/objects
+ [2014-10-28T19:25:31Z] cool_boy I did a git commit to merge local changes with remote branch, now I want to discard that merge, how can I do that?
+ [2014-10-03T06:20:45Z] cool_boy how to remove a directory of created by git clone .., it says write protected
+ [2014-10-03T05:56:44Z] cool_boy yes sure, thanks to you :)
+ [2014-10-03T05:55:38Z] cool_boy VxJasonxV: good to know , I thoguht I had only one user me, and other root ;)
+ [2014-10-03T05:53:53Z] cool_boy I see many lines in /etc/passwd are they all users?
+ [2014-10-03T05:52:50Z] cool_boy VxJasonxV: if all thease are users in /etc/passwd?? :O
+ [2014-10-03T05:49:58Z] cool_boy this means to copy inside /opt directory this user do not need use sudo ?
+ [2014-10-03T05:49:08Z] cool_boy VxJasonxV: thanks
+ [2014-10-03T05:48:20Z] cool_boy VxJasonxV: but why would someone want that , home directory already doesn't exist in user/~~?
+ [2014-10-03T05:45:55Z] cool_boy can you please tell me , what means "--home=/opt/openerp" in command "sudo adduser --system --home=/opt/openerp --group openerp"
+ [2014-10-03T05:44:54Z] cool_boy thanks Seveas
+ [2014-10-03T05:24:36Z] cool_boy it means this is not suggested "sudo chown $your_user /opt" thanks
+ [2014-10-03T05:23:20Z] cool_boy what is right approach to do ? sudo chown $your_user /opt , is that okay or is not suggested?
+ [2014-10-03T05:21:08Z] cool_boy Seveas: so is there a way to copy inside /opt without sudo?
+ [2014-10-03T05:18:55Z] cool_boy Seveas: what is issue? can you please explain me a bit more?
+ [2014-10-03T05:18:40Z] cool_boy Seveas: wow that works
+ [2014-10-03T05:11:08Z] cool_boy Seveas: this is I am getting