latest 12 messages by core77

+ [2015-01-27T16:00:57Z] core77 `whatis sitemap
+ [2015-01-27T15:20:20Z] core77 whatis sitemap
+ [2014-12-10T07:45:31Z] core77 nice this `whatis feature here :-)
+ [2014-12-10T07:41:55Z] core77 what’s the difference between site.url and site.baseurl?
+ [2014-12-10T07:40:48Z] core77 thanks
+ [2014-12-10T07:40:44Z] core77 front matter wasn’t there
+ [2014-12-10T07:40:29Z] core77 just figured it out :-)
+ [2014-12-10T07:23:56Z] core77 i my jekyll root i have a folder and and within a md or mdown file. but jekyll doesnt make HTML of it. why?
+ [2014-12-10T07:23:06Z] core77 Good morning
+ [2014-12-09T10:16:02Z] core77 hello :-)
+ [2014-11-28T11:10:04Z] core77 nice bro ;-)
+ [2014-11-28T11:09:35Z] core77 i saw null somewhere...