latest 20 messages by corecode

+ [2014-02-10T16:28:36Z] corecode but i'm using octopress - i don't see how your suggestion helps
+ [2014-02-10T16:26:47Z] corecode so you're in #octopress and suggest to people not to use octopress?
+ [2014-02-10T16:24:06Z] corecode instead of octopress?
+ [2014-02-10T16:23:29Z] corecode jekyll-1-3 you mean?
+ [2014-02-10T16:23:05Z] corecode is that an answer?
+ [2014-02-10T16:14:31Z] corecode i'm a bit confused about the various versions - i've been using 2.0, but jekyll is old and requires a pygments that breaks with newer python. which octopress branch should i use?
+ [2013-07-23T20:29:01Z] corecode ideally i don't have to specify this explicitly
+ [2013-07-23T20:27:33Z] corecode yea, just that i don't use markdown
+ [2013-07-23T20:26:10Z] corecode does not seem like
+ [2013-07-23T20:18:55Z] corecode i guess i can adapt the patch that's in there
+ [2013-07-23T20:17:32Z] corecode this is misleading then
+ [2013-07-23T20:17:26Z] corecode
+ [2013-07-23T20:09:02Z] corecode somehow i must not be using 2.1
+ [2013-07-23T20:06:00Z] corecode i'm having trouble with render_partial; the docs imply that the partial will be rendered from markdown to html, but that doesn't happen. what am i missing?