latest 8 messages by cornernote

+ [2015-04-18T07:14:51Z] cornernote i dont even mind creating a html page for each page, if i could do it like that somehow
+ [2015-04-18T07:14:29Z] cornernote any other way to make my title have a page 1, page 2, etc in the title ?
+ [2015-04-18T03:27:49Z] cornernote seems it cannot be done, thats a shame
+ [2015-04-18T03:20:56Z] cornernote title: Blog - Page {{ }}
+ [2015-04-18T03:18:11Z] cornernote Blog{% if > 1 %} - Page {{ }}{% endif %}
+ [2015-04-18T03:18:09Z] cornernote can i use variables in my front matter... eg: