latest 11 messages by cornfeedhobo

+ [2020-04-06T20:49:46Z] cornfeedhobo LOL nvm. i see what was up
+ [2020-04-06T20:47:48Z] cornfeedhobo ... did something change in their API today? I have a working test that is now broken
+ [2020-04-06T20:44:22Z] cornfeedhobo hub api -X POST repos/terraform-provider-github-testing/test-repo/git/refs -F ref=refs/heads/test-branch-123 -F sha=$(hub api repos/terraform-provider-github-testing/test-repo/git/refs/heads/test-branch | jq -r .object.sha)
+ [2020-04-06T20:42:08Z] cornfeedhobo
+ [2020-04-06T20:41:42Z] cornfeedhobo hello. i'm playing with the reference API, and I'm getting a 404 when POSTing and using a non-master SHA. anyone know what's up? my goal is to branch from a non-master branch which has a commit that is ahead of master
+ [2020-04-01T23:49:45Z] cornfeedhobo BtbN: that is what i meant. without getting into the pedantics of ancestor changes, i was looking for a way to derive the state in the moment. but i found a solution
+ [2020-04-01T16:23:07Z] cornfeedhobo Does anyone know how I might figure out what branch or commit a branch came from?
+ [2020-04-01T16:22:47Z] cornfeedhobo I'm stumbling through the API this morning. Asking in case anyone has solved this before me.