latest 8 messages by cougarten_

+ [2015-03-15T19:14:55Z] cougarten_ oh sorry, ment to post to #CSS (where it would be more on topic...)
+ [2015-03-15T19:13:19Z] cougarten_ blown up the "m"s look blurry in both versions, but in small sizes only the inverted version looks stange:
+ [2015-03-15T19:12:30Z] cougarten_ ah, probably makes sence. The light source is very small when it's white text on black. If most of the screen is glowing anyways, you don't percieve the variance too much.
+ [2015-03-15T19:08:29Z] cougarten_ pfew strange. white on black text suffers much more from bad font smoothing. Percieved brightness fluctuates much more (it's just not white when a line sits "between" the pixels. Or is thes windows cleartype doing strange stuff with subpixel smoothing?
+ [2015-03-15T14:51:10Z] cougarten_ ah, but googled badly :)
+ [2015-03-15T14:50:49Z] cougarten_ hm, specifically for kramdown I haven't found on yet
+ [2015-03-15T14:49:27Z] cougarten_ hej, is there an online kramdown editor?
+ [2015-03-13T01:08:17Z] cougarten_ hi, how ready is oktopress 3.0? I just switched from txt to markdown and wan't to build a website for myself. Thought of Wordpress as I need to learn it better anyways, but Jekyll with Octopresses deployment looks sweet.