latest 11 messages by courrier

+ [2015-07-20T13:29:11Z] courrier canton7: exactely
+ [2015-07-20T13:27:12Z] courrier canton7: oh ok, so I assume doing this is generally a bad idea :/
+ [2015-07-20T13:17:08Z] courrier Hey guys! I've forked a repo and commited commits n, n+1 and n+2; can I create a pull request to merge only n and n+2 somehow?
+ [2015-06-22T23:29:01Z] courrier VxJasonxV: mmmmmh, I see, but rights are unclear, I can switch my colleagues from private to public, not the opposite way, and I can change this setting also when I'm not owner of the organization (just member)
+ [2015-06-22T23:24:45Z] courrier github staff are very responsive to e-mails, that's cool :)
+ [2015-06-22T23:24:28Z] courrier milki: FYI
+ [2015-06-22T22:34:10Z] courrier "Stars are shown next to repositories to show an approximate level of interest. Stars have no effect on notifications or the activity feed." OK, that's not as useful as I thought then ^^
+ [2015-06-22T22:25:19Z] courrier Another question: What do my stargazers see about me? Are they notified about my own commits? New repos? Repos of my public organizations?
+ [2015-06-22T22:24:11Z] courrier milki: It would make sense, but this option is hidden ^^
+ [2015-06-22T22:21:07Z] courrier milki: Where? I can't find it :/
+ [2015-06-22T22:09:56Z] courrier Hey guys! Why do some organizations we belong to appear on our public profiles and some others are hidden?