latest 15 messages by cpt_yossarian

+ [2015-04-28T17:41:51Z] cpt_yossarian is there anything in your remote repo?
+ [2015-04-24T00:39:51Z] cpt_yossarian this should be a good reference:
+ [2015-04-24T00:39:14Z] cpt_yossarian however, if what you want to do is have multiple versions of the same file(s), repo "branches" are a better solution than distinct repos
+ [2015-04-24T00:38:27Z] cpt_yossarian use that in a directory named for your repo, and it'll track it as such
+ [2015-04-24T00:38:11Z] cpt_yossarian Henry151: yes, you can create new repositories with `git init`
+ [2015-04-24T00:31:19Z] cpt_yossarian finally, you do `git push origin master` to push it back up to github. you may need to give it your github username and password while doing that
+ [2015-04-24T00:30:39Z] cpt_yossarian then you commit it with `git commit -m "description of the changes"` - the quotes are important there
+ [2015-04-24T00:30:05Z] cpt_yossarian well, once you've added a file, you notify git of it by doing `git add <path to file>`
+ [2015-04-24T00:28:16Z] cpt_yossarian yeah, it's very popular nowadays. a lot of people use it as a portfolio
+ [2015-04-24T00:27:06Z] cpt_yossarian no problem. now that you have a copy of your repo, you can go into that directory, add/remove/edit files, and then commit and push them back up to github
+ [2015-04-24T00:26:09Z] cpt_yossarian also, to answer your question on #git, 'git' is a source control management program. 'github' is a company that offers a nice online interface to 'git'
+ [2015-04-24T00:24:59Z] cpt_yossarian you can do that by running `git clone <url>`, where <url> is the repo on github
+ [2015-04-24T00:24:34Z] cpt_yossarian well, first you need to clone the repository you created
+ [2015-04-24T00:21:53Z] cpt_yossarian Henry151: do you have git installed?