latest 20 messages by crystal77

+ [2015-09-10T21:08:12Z] crystal77 Just merged a branch into master from a PR. Usually there is a delete branch button, but it isn' there. Did the UI change? :)
+ [2015-03-13T20:52:41Z] crystal77 How do I filter pull requests by author (but more than one) -> author:name,name2 doesn't work
+ [2015-02-09T20:54:18Z] crystal77 Our company has a metric ton of repos, and I can't tell
+ [2015-02-09T20:45:58Z] crystal77 How do I tell if I've forked a repo? Other than changing the URL and checking manually?
+ [2015-01-08T16:02:56Z] crystal77 I'm trying to find small python projects to try and contribute to. The trending tab only shows like 20 projects. How can I see more?
+ [2014-12-12T16:09:43Z] crystal77 For me, it requires a ?token at the end of it, otherwise it's a 404. probably because I've a private repo
+ [2014-12-12T16:09:26Z] crystal77
+ [2014-12-12T16:09:24Z] crystal77 huh, looks like my repo has the issue, facebook's doesn't...okay...
+ [2014-12-12T16:05:31Z] crystal77 Or, how would I get the latest version of a raw file? only works if that random token is at the end
+ [2014-12-12T15:53:15Z] crystal77 I don't know a lick of javascript, and it sounds like it can't just wget a file, and copy/paste it into a <div> :/
+ [2014-12-12T15:52:45Z] crystal77 Does anyone know how to do this, but pull from a file on GitHub? That way we don't have to update our bookmarks each time we make an update to the file?
+ [2014-12-09T17:42:17Z] crystal77 Can we hide the plus/minus signs? I can't see the start of my YAML files.
+ [2014-11-11T18:13:21Z] crystal77 Yeah, I agree. Just my opinion, haha. What if GitHub forced people to label it Maintained vs Unmaintained? :o
+ [2014-11-11T18:11:12Z] crystal77 treehug88: but it kinda makes you think "Hey, if I submit a pull request, it'll probably never see the light of day"
+ [2014-11-11T18:10:49Z] crystal77 Remram: Our company relies on GitHub a lot too. We used to have one of the largest git repos, and would cause issues for them everytime we cloned :p
+ [2014-11-11T18:09:41Z] crystal77 Oh! Good question, haha.
+ [2014-11-11T18:09:11Z] crystal77 Which tells me, as a potential code contributor, that I shouldn't waste my time. For example:
+ [2014-11-11T18:08:51Z] crystal77 Like, sometimes I'll stumble upon a really cool project, and see that the last commit was months ago.
+ [2014-11-11T18:08:33Z] crystal77 Does anyone know if GitHub will flag projects as "old"?
+ [2014-11-11T16:20:21Z] crystal77 Thanks for the help though!