latest 8 messages by csarven
Is there a custom parameter that can be used in webhooks?
I would like to retain the current name, but move the current project elsewhere
Yea, I see the issue. I'm trying to figure out if there is a workaround.
git remote set-url origin new_url
Hmm, then, is it possible to set/change the new_url value on the clones out there when they do their next pull (due to a reposirory rename)?
Is renaming a repository the only way to carry over watchers/stars? I plan to create a new repository which is intended to keep everything as is. However, I also plan to keep the existing repository for another purpose. So, rename a->b, create a. I don't wish to create merge conflicts when a is pulled
Is renaming a repository the only way to carry over watchers/stars? I plan to create a new repository which is intended to keep everything as is. However, I also plan to keep the existing repository for another purpose. So, rename a->b, create a. I don't wish to create merge conflicts when a is pulled
Is it possible to set/change the new_url value on the clones out there when they do their next pull (due to a reposirory rename)?