latest 6 messages by ctrl-flo

+ [2017-06-15T03:40:39Z] ctrl-flo I just forked a repository on github, and cloned it locally with my username,... this is my first time using git, so I want to submit a patch to radare2, should I "checkout -b mybranchofradare2" or should I "checkout -b fixmemoryleak"?
+ [2017-06-15T01:08:21Z] ctrl-flo the location of the file I modified is libr/asm/p/asm_arm_cs.c
+ [2017-06-15T01:07:26Z] ctrl-flo or is it mandatory to fork the project first?
+ [2017-06-15T01:07:05Z] ctrl-flo nedbat: I used git clone .. no not a fork, I think I just do a pull request to their repository
+ [2017-06-15T01:06:05Z] ctrl-flo I have a github account
+ [2017-06-15T01:05:55Z] ctrl-flo so I want to submit a patch to a project on github, but am new to git (apart from the usual cloning and installing). I made a single change to a file. How do I do a "pull request"?