latest 20 messages by cyberjar09

+ [2016-05-05T13:21:10Z] cyberjar09 hmmm ... ok lemme try .. thanks for the help guys
+ [2016-05-05T13:20:05Z] cyberjar09 thats a SSL rewrite
+ [2016-05-05T13:19:59Z] cyberjar09 RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off RewriteRule ^/?(.*) https://%{SERVER_NAME}/$1 [R,L]
+ [2016-05-05T13:19:45Z] cyberjar09 I have already got a rule in my 000-default.conf as follows:
+ [2016-05-05T13:19:36Z] cyberjar09 2 lines? can you type some example here? ...
+ [2016-05-05T13:18:45Z] cyberjar09 ok ill investigate further ... this would be a more approrpiate question for apache forum than jekyll
+ [2016-05-05T13:17:29Z] cyberjar09 hmmm.. quite the undertaking it would appear
+ [2016-05-05T13:16:55Z] cyberjar09 well essentially, heres the big picture... when someone visits I want the index page served... but if they go to I want to serve the full blog
+ [2016-05-05T13:15:53Z] cyberjar09 ill google how to do it them
+ [2016-05-05T13:15:47Z] cyberjar09 ah so is that the recommendation you are giving me?
+ [2016-05-05T13:15:15Z] cyberjar09 this apache is baffling to newcomers
+ [2016-05-05T13:14:58Z] cyberjar09 hahaha yea nginx would have been simpler ... redirect the request to a proxy on port 4000
+ [2016-05-05T13:14:01Z] cyberjar09 but am running owncloud on /owncloud so I have to use apache
+ [2016-05-05T13:13:40Z] cyberjar09 im familiar with nginx .. apache is new to me :(
+ [2016-05-05T13:13:30Z] cyberjar09 right .. so how do I go about this?
+ [2016-05-05T13:12:16Z] cyberjar09 symlink /var/www/myblog/index.html to /var/www/index.html
+ [2016-05-05T13:10:33Z] cyberjar09 not sure how what to do with apache config in this case
+ [2016-05-05T13:09:56Z] cyberjar09 hi all, jekyll n00b here. I folowed the docs and ran "jekyll serve". I was able to view the default page on port 4000. but im trying to request "/" on apache and get the same page. not sure how to go about this. I did a symlink to index.html suchthat the doc is served but all I got was raw html without any CSS