latest 15 messages by daMaestro

+ [2015-01-11T22:15:29Z] daMaestro the email address does match
+ [2015-01-11T22:06:25Z] daMaestro i'm just trying to figure out what i did wrong in my workflow
+ [2015-01-11T22:06:17Z] daMaestro really, what it comes down to is i'm glad the upstream is working on the code again and my changes are still there so it's a win win
+ [2015-01-11T22:05:06Z] daMaestro so maybe it was due to the way the PR had to be merged? (i was not keeping my fork up to date)
+ [2015-01-11T22:04:46Z] daMaestro i mean, my full name is there, but it's not linked to my github
+ [2015-01-11T22:04:38Z] daMaestro technicalpickles, yeah, that blue ? mark does not exist on the commits
+ [2015-01-11T22:00:12Z] daMaestro that is kinda lame.
+ [2015-01-11T22:00:10Z] daMaestro i am kinda sad that my contribution does not show up under the contributors tab in the upstream repo
+ [2015-01-11T21:59:18Z] daMaestro i chose to delete it as my changes were merged into upstream and already improved upon
+ [2015-01-11T21:58:55Z] daMaestro and you also have to keep it synced with upstream
+ [2015-01-11T21:39:24Z] daMaestro when following the fork & pull model for making a contribution, what is the proper procedure for removing your fork after the PR is merged? just delete it?
+ [2014-09-26T00:38:03Z] daMaestro Got it, just had to reverse the comparison.
+ [2014-09-26T00:32:21Z] daMaestro A `git diff master..branch_name` shows the changes, but I can't use a PR at this time.
+ [2014-09-26T00:29:11Z] daMaestro Evening. I'm trying to create a PR of commits that have already been committed into master. I'm curious how I can achieve this. I've created a branch from the tag I would like to compare from, but I'm unable to create a PR because the commits in question have already been merged into master.