latest 6 messages by dabbad00

+ [2015-03-31T21:48:31Z] dabbad00 My guess, is maybe I need to tell jekyll to use "unsafe" mode somehow?
+ [2015-03-31T21:45:27Z] dabbad00
+ [2015-03-31T21:45:27Z] dabbad00 stevecrozz, it does seem relevant, but I can't figure out how to use it still. :( Looks like maybe I should use "hl_linenos", instead of "hl_lines". No errors come up, but the I tried wrapped a line number in brackets, and got the error: Liquid Exception: Syntax Error in tag 'highlight' while parsing the following markup: python hl_linenos=[7] linenos=table Valid syntax: highlight <lang> [linenos] in _posts/2013-09-02-file-scanner-web-app-par
+ [2015-03-31T21:36:27Z] dabbad00 I'm using jekyll 2.4.0, and pygments 1.5
+ [2015-03-31T21:34:12Z] dabbad00 Specifically, hl_lines is referenced here:
+ [2015-03-31T21:32:12Z] dabbad00 how do I highlight a line within syntax highlighted lines? My assumption (from what I've seen online) shows I should be able to do: "{% highlight python hl_lines=7 linenos=table %}" but that "hl_lines" does nothing. :(