latest 20 messages by daleharvey

+ [2016-10-10T12:21:41Z] daleharvey its a protected brranch, so no push -f
+ [2016-10-10T12:11:05Z] daleharvey I have a branch that requires review, I have review but needed to rebase and I want to push from the CL but gets rejected, is there any way around that?
+ [2015-06-07T21:17:02Z] daleharvey yeh definitely dont want to close issues, just a problematic user
+ [2015-06-07T21:08:12Z] daleharvey Hey, I blocked a user (personal account) and they can still comment in issues of an organisation I am an admin of
+ [2014-11-05T10:54:43Z] daleharvey yeh was just asking in case there was anyone around, cheers
+ [2014-11-05T10:50:49Z] daleharvey I had disabled force pushing to master for my repo, but I need to enable that for a second (fairly urgently), anyone able to help?
+ [2013-06-19T14:10:39Z] daleharvey sure, I just fnd myself needing to replace my markdown with html becaus eI need to target particular elements
+ [2013-06-19T14:08:51Z] daleharvey one more question, more of a markdown one, is there any easy way to add a class / id to any element, like a header / paragraph etc
+ [2013-06-19T13:47:56Z] daleharvey the config.yml was all it was
+ [2013-06-19T13:44:35Z] daleharvey ah perfect, that was pretty silly, thanks
+ [2013-06-19T13:43:52Z] daleharvey ah, see maruku errors in the log
+ [2013-06-19T13:42:59Z] daleharvey I dont know if that hints to what markdown lib it is though
+ [2013-06-19T13:42:23Z] daleharvey I get 'REXML' errors when I put invalid xml in there
+ [2013-06-19T13:41:30Z] daleharvey I have no idea, how do I find out?
+ [2013-06-19T13:39:00Z] daleharvey if you clicked on that before like 2 seconds ago then have to refresh, I forgot to force push
+ [2013-06-19T13:38:24Z] daleharvey has the code in it