latest 20 messages by danielhq

+ [2013-08-12T09:31:12Z] danielhq should i rake deploy after i addded a CNAME into source/ ?
+ [2013-08-12T09:15:33Z] danielhq anyone to help me out?
+ [2013-08-10T13:20:03Z] danielhq i don't wanna bug imathis again on twitter :D
+ [2013-08-10T13:12:16Z] danielhq Still quiet?
+ [2013-08-10T11:24:58Z] danielhq holler at me if you read this
+ [2013-08-10T11:14:02Z] danielhq it says "Your branch is ahead of 'octopress/master' by 4 commits'
+ [2013-08-10T11:13:15Z] danielhq i think i have messed up something because when i "git checkout master"
+ [2013-08-10T11:12:27Z] danielhq master branch or source branch
+ [2013-08-10T11:12:19Z] danielhq i do not know where should push it to
+ [2013-08-10T11:12:11Z] danielhq now i have commit the CNAME
+ [2013-08-10T11:11:56Z] danielhq
+ [2013-08-10T11:11:50Z] danielhq anyway i'm struggling with the installation of octopress, can anybody have a look at my repo and tell if if everything is in place?
+ [2013-08-10T11:00:58Z] danielhq ajpiano = adam sontag? :D
+ [2013-08-08T22:31:06Z] danielhq see ya! keep up the good work
+ [2013-08-08T22:30:46Z] danielhq i might come back another time, thanks for the help
+ [2013-08-08T22:30:30Z] danielhq anyway im too sleepy now to struggle with git :D
+ [2013-08-08T21:35:06Z] danielhq is that correct?