latest 12 messages by danielsgroves

+ [2014-11-27T12:01:23Z] danielsgroves Or have a build script with removes the plugin before doing the build on your production box?
+ [2014-11-27T11:58:52Z] danielsgroves I guess you could do your production build in safe mode if you only have the one plugin
+ [2014-11-26T19:57:22Z] danielsgroves Just found that. Looks like I'm better for forking that than creating my own. Thanks for your help :)
+ [2014-11-26T19:45:19Z] danielsgroves bret: have you got an example of how your rake file looks that you wouldn't mind sharing? I've been building up a rake file myself, which is what drew me to notice it wasn't aborting properly.
+ [2014-11-26T17:01:15Z] danielsgroves So there is no way to find out if it has failed, without parsing the output?
+ [2014-11-26T16:59:43Z] danielsgroves To be clear, I'm checking running this to do a build: "jekyll build && echo $?" where echo $? returns the exit code for the last run command.
+ [2014-11-26T16:57:46Z] danielsgroves Ok, running Jekyll 2.5.2 on OS X Yosemite. I have a (currently, intentional) problem with the front-matter in a single markdown file for a post. As it stands this carries on simply printing an error to the console. When the build finishes the page is broken as the front-matter wasn't parsed properly. The exit code is still 0.
+ [2014-11-26T16:50:20Z] danielsgroves Will double check I upgraded to the latest before trying quickly
+ [2014-11-26T16:50:02Z] danielsgroves I get a exit code of 1 if it fails parsing the _config.yml, but otherwise it displays and error in the console and exits with 0
+ [2014-11-26T16:38:09Z] danielsgroves Afternoon. Does anyone know if there is a way to get a non-0 exit code from Jekyll if the parsing of any markdown (or other) file fails? I'm setting up automated deployments for my site and would rather a new release does not deploy if there has been any potential problem than to risk deploying a broken site.