latest 4 messages by dave1984

+ [2015-11-05T23:32:26Z] dave1984 so when I specify a layout:, the contents of that document are inserted in THAT layout's {{ content }} ?
+ [2015-11-05T23:28:29Z] dave1984 Not sure what I changed
+ [2015-11-05T23:28:25Z] dave1984 Hm, appears to be working now
+ [2015-11-05T23:27:16Z] dave1984 I'm trying to create a collection so I can group my "projects". I made a folder called _projects/, added the collection and output: true in my _config.yml, and tried looping through it with {% for project in site.projects %} <h1>{{ project.title }}</h1> {% endfor %}. But it's not finding anything. Did I miss a step?