latest 20 messages by davidollerhead

+ [2013-07-24T16:04:39Z] davidollerhead ah sod it, I can work around it :)
+ [2013-07-24T16:03:24Z] davidollerhead actually got another little one whilst i think about it
+ [2013-07-24T16:01:45Z] davidollerhead thanks for the response though jaybe :)
+ [2013-07-24T16:01:33Z] davidollerhead ok cool, shall leave it with my jquery clearing on page load, little clunky but works
+ [2013-07-24T15:41:50Z] davidollerhead which can't be self-closing so then the rest of the html document afar this point is displayed int he text area as it's waiting for the closing tag which isn' there
+ [2013-07-24T15:41:20Z] davidollerhead <textarea class="pure-input-1" name="message" placeholder="Your Message" rows="8" required="required" />
+ [2013-07-24T15:41:12Z] davidollerhead <textarea class="pure-input-1" name="message" placeholder="Your Message" rows="8" required="required"></textarea>
+ [2013-07-24T15:10:11Z] davidollerhead hmm yeah, just that <textarea /> is not a self closing tag and isn't valid, so that should never be generated
+ [2013-07-24T15:06:02Z] davidollerhead so got a botched work around, but looks to me a bug at the markup processor level to generate invalid html
+ [2013-07-24T15:05:15Z] davidollerhead it's just I wanted to have the text area blank so the placeholder attrib would populate it, but as it stands i'm having to populate it with a space to stop maruku selfcldoign it, then clearing it with js on page load
+ [2013-07-24T15:03:16Z] davidollerhead that's what I see in the error output
+ [2013-07-24T15:01:35Z] davidollerhead which isn't valid html and it just swallows html into the textarea
+ [2013-07-24T15:01:20Z] davidollerhead it seems to self-close an empty <textarea></textarea> to <textarea />